Word Gems

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DLL Injection using CreateRemoteThread on 64 Bit Win 7

Have you ever tried to inject a DLL into another process on a 64 bit Windows? Well I tried and failed. CreateRemoteThread returned NULL and GetLastError returned error 5, which means ACCESS DENIED. That didn’t make any sense to me because I made sure to change my privilege token to include SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED, which means debugging rights.

Finally I used Process Explorer to find out that the process I was trying to inject was a 64 bit process, other than my injecting process, which was 32 bit. Obviously its impossible to inject a 32 bit dll into a 64 bit process.

Since I couldn’t find any forum posts suggesting this could ahve been the problem, I post it here to save you some time!

And a suggestion to Microsoft: That error message didn’t say what was actually wrong! It could throw a more informative message.

Filed under: Windows API